Incident & Crisis Management
Risk cannot be avoided fully; consequently, we support organizations, so they are better ready to respond to events and crises of any type with incident, crisis management, and business continuity plans, in addition to pre-selected, trained personnel. Griffon Risk Management’s incident, crisis, and business continuity planning assists you in preparing and responding to a variety of unfavorable events.
Incident & Crisis Management
Crisis Management Program Review
We analyze the maturity of the organization’s Crisis Management capabilities, encompassing governance, decision-making structure, teams, training and experience, resources, tools, procedures, and documentation.
Crisis Management Planning
We analyze current Crisis Management plans or collaborate with organizations to develop plans and standards where none exist. A Crisis Management Plan identifies critical risks, crisis scenarios, and their potential impact, outlines the structures, roles, responsibilities, and policies necessary to mitigate risk, and provides tools and protocols for notification, escalation, decision-making, and communications.
Contingency Planning
As an extension of the Crisis Management Plan, we work with the organization to determine how to respond to particular situations, such as kidnapping, extortion, emergency, political evacuation, active assailant, product contamination, and cyberattack. This guarantees that the organization is prepared to address the most pressing threats.
Crisis Management Training
Training transforms written documentation into an operational skill. This training is conducted in phases based on the expertise level of the teams and consists of understanding of the fundamental concepts, an outline of individual and collective roles, responsibilities, and decision-making tools.
Incident/Tabletop Exercises
Griffon Risk Management helps organizations to add value by investing in specific skills in their operations and personnel. Griffon Risk Management team of specialized consultants has organized and executed practical and table exercises at an international level. As the Disaster Recovery Plans, an Incident Response Plan is never known to work until something happens. Or until something happens, in the form of exercise. The exercises are critical to ensure that your plan meets real scenarios and continues to do so as threats evolve. They must be meaningful for your business and integral in their design while committing to your team and being practical to execute. So, where do you start?
There are seven types of exercises, each of which is based on discussions or operations.
Seminars: a seminar is an informal debate, designed to guide participants to new or updated plans, policies, or procedures (for example, a seminar to review a new Standard Operating Procedure for Evacuation).
Workshops: A workshop resembles a seminar, but it is used to create specific products, such as a draft plan or policy (for example, a training workshop and exercise plan is used to develop a training and exercise plan). several years).
Table exercises: a table exercise involves key personnel who discuss simulated scenarios in an informal environment. Table exercises can be used to evaluate plans, policies, and procedures.
Games: A game is a simulation of operations that often involves two or more teams, usually in a competitive environment, using rules, data and procedures designed to represent a real or assumed real-life situation.
Operations-based exercises: Operations-based exercises validate plans, policies, agreements, and procedures, clarify roles and responsibilities, and identify resource gaps in an operating environment.
Operations-based exercises include drills, a drill is a coordinated and supervised activity that is generally used to test a single operation or specific function within a single entity (for example, a fire department conducts a decontamination drill).
Functional exercises: a functional exercise examines and/or validates the coordination, command, and control between several coordination centers of multiple agencies (for example, an emergency operations center, a joint field office, etc.). A functional exercise does not imply any “boot on the ground” (ex. the first responders or emergency officers responding to an incident in real time).
Large-scale exercises: A large-scale exercise is a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi-disciplinary exercise that involves functionally (for example, a joint field office, emergency operations centers, etc.) and operational human resources of response (for example, firemen who decontaminate simulated victims).
Crisis Communications Plans
We assist organizations in developing effective Crisis Communications plans by identifying roles and responsibilities, communication channels, messaging guidelines, stakeholder mapping, and a strategy framework to ensure that, in the event of a crisis, you communicate effectively with all impacted stakeholders in order to protect their well-being and the organization’s brand and reputation. We provide retainer alternatives for quick deployment of our specialized team support to help organizations.
Management consultancy
Griffon Risk Management assists organizations with a range of management consulting activities. These vary from guidance on process improvement, restructuring or withdrawal of corporate activities in difficult circumstances to the creation and implementation of public and private risk management and emergency services strategies in new global emerging zones.
About Us
Our Approach
If you are a global enterprise, you must anticipate the impact of unforeseen situations in each location in which you operate. The good news is that you do not have to confront them on your own.
Managing the threats associated with international operations requires a higher level of expertise. It entails having access to specialists who comprehend the complexity of company risk and resilience, as well as information that is continually updated and supported by intelligence.

Griffon Risk Management’s incident, crisis, and business continuity planning assists you in preparing and responding to a variety of unfavorable events.